Get insight into zero interest credit cards
The key to getting the best deal on a credit card is to remember that you are in a borrower’s market. Although it is not as widely discussed as it should be, credit companies of all kinds are desperate to lend money. Interest rates have been at record lows for nearly a decade, and there is no sign of a significant increase any time soon. This has left a great deal of liquidity in the market, a lot of cash in circulation. Something useful must be done with this capital if even more money is to be made and so lending and credit agencies have every incentive to get people to use their services. Offering is one of the many things they do to get people in the door. To be sure, the zero percent interest card is a ploy. You should this Checklist: What to Do to Recover Investment Losses from Fraud The aim is to get you used to the card, so that when the deal expiration date approaches you will want to stay with the company and begin paying fees and interest...